Importance of solar energy

By | June 30, 2016

Solar energy is considered to be the best option for the people and modern industries as it belongs to the renewable category. With the disappearance of the fossil fuels from the planet and their rising costs has forced countries to switch over to a sustainable energy source. Sun is the biggest energy supplier and is fully capable of meeting the energy needs of earth in the distant future.

importance of solar energy

No pollution: Used as an alternative to petrol, the solar power doesn’t pollute the environment and delivers clean and reliable energy to the users. It doesn’t emit harmful carbonic gases into the atmosphere. As a result, people can ensure electrical supply to their homes without burning coal. Moreover, the users do not have to grapple with the storage issues related to fossil and nuclear fuel. Solar panels also do not make noise and emit toxic fumes into the atmosphere.

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Renewable energy: As long as the sun exists in the space, solar energy can be generated for free. It is a game changer as far as ensuring energy security to the people. With rising electricity bills in the household, people are increasingly installing solar panels on their rooftops to supplement the production of electricity. It will help them to reduce the energy expenditure to a great extent.  Solar energy can provide power in places with remote accessibility. The only drawback of the solar panel is that it might not work full throttle during a cloudy day.

Cost effective maintenance: Advancement in technology has helped to lower the maintenance of the solar panels. In order to increase power, more such devices can be added to the system. Usage of solar energy has resolved the problems of many homeowners. The cost of the solar panel might seem to be more, however, it can easily be recovered after 10 years. One of the most important benefits of the solar energy is that it doesn’t initiate recurring cost.

Simplistic installation: Unlike the conventional mode of electricity, the installation of the solar panels is quite simple. Due to lack of wires, the total cost of upkeep is drastically reduced. In addition, the panels do not require space as they can b easily placed on the roof top of the building or the single family homes. Since the solar energy is installed in a distributed fashion, large-scale investment is not required.

Long term warranty: Solar panels can last for a very long time as various companies provide warranties ranging from 20 to 25 years. Since the device doesn’t contain moving mechanical parts, they are bound to last for a very long time. Solar energy has been providing powers to the areas where it is not possible to supply electricity in conventional mode.

Conclusion: The world is increasingly looking for alternate options to the coal which is a polluted source of electricity. It is vital for the energy-hungry economies around the world to rely on plenty of sunshine to generate renewable energy source such as solar power. In a nutshell, it can be said that solar energy is the harbinger of independence from the clutches of fossil fuels.


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5 thoughts on “Importance of solar energy

  1. Mack

    Solar energy is the best source of energy. It does not harm the environment and sun is not going anywhere soon. I hope we start using solar energy more and more in our lives. I set up a solar panel on my roof last month, I’m doing my bit.

    1. md. kashif

      Ya Mr mack, you are doing well at your extent.
      Thanks from me.
      I appreciate your work.

  2. Uncle Sam

    Although solar energy is good for the environment and all that, but it’s way too costly to set up these plants on large scale. You need a huge piece of land as well as millions of investment. I think with more advancements, they will be able to reduce the size of the solar panel and it will still absorb more energy. Same like memory devices, we can store more memory in less space compared to the past.

  3. Jackie Kiddy

    I am so disappointed in the lack of development of inexpensive solar panels. Just today I saw an ad for a 45 watt solar panel selling for $140. 45 watts! It would cost a fortune to buy enough solar panels for home use, say 15Kw to 25Kw. Totally unaffordable.

    1. Sandy Zen

      well, consider not paying bills for the next 20 years … except maintenance


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