Importance of women empowerment

By | October 13, 2016

Women empowerment is all about making them self-dependent on taking the decisions of life irrespective of the fear of the people and the society. In today’s time, the condition of the women is deteriorating day by day with less attention paid to them. Though a lot is being said about women empowerment but nothing is done and that is why the women are becoming weak. It is high time that we understand the power of the women and help them to come out with flying colors. If we treat them with respect, this will automatically boost their confidence.

importance of women empowerment

Today is the time when women empowerment is a must and there is a need to give equal importance to them. The problem of being biased towards men should come to an end as women are the basis of our lives and it is difficult to imagine success without them. Whether it is your mother, wife, sister or daughter everyone contributes towards your success and hence they should be respected by one and all. Women empowerment can make a lot of difference to our society in a number of ways.

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Help in better decision-making power

Women empowerment gives every woman the right to take her decisions whether it is related to the family or to their work. They are free to decide what they want to do. Just like men do everything they wish to, similarly, the women too should share equal right to do things as per their wish. This is only possible if we women understand our powers and utilize it to the fullest. Taking that very first step is necessary and it comes when one gets the power.

Establish their Self-image

Even women have their own identity and it is important to maintain the same. In the olden times, the women were given the name of their husbands but today time has changed and women love to carry their own identity in every walk of life. Whether they are a housewife or working professional, their identity means everything for them. This is definitely a good sign that women are finally moving out of the four walls of their home and taking a big step.

Move ahead in their life

Women need to change their mindset that they are not just meant to remain within their home but move outside to live their own life. They have the choice to decide whether they like to work or indulge in other activities. Even the men should understand this and help the women around them to move ahead in life. This will fill the gap between men and women and offer them an equal status which was never given to them.

Lay a strong foundation of the society

Every child learns from their mother so the foundation of the society is laid down by none other than the women. By educating them properly we can certainly ensure a well-educated family. Gone are the days when women were not taught but today a lot of revolution has come and women are now learning and exploring life. Still, the women from the developing and under developed countries are not getting enough opportunities to grow and therefore they are lagging behind in everything.
So if you want the foundation to be strong, it is essential to empower the women as this will bring a huge revolution. They will be able to stand on their feet and play a crucial role in their family and outside both. This will help to build a better society where everyone is equal.

Active participation in country affairs

There is no denial to the fact that a woman has the ability to transform the lives. So if they actively participate in the outside activities it will have a huge impact on the overall development of the country. As we all know that women are very efficient in whatever they do so if the same is utilized in the right direction, they can do wonders for the nation. So it is important to bring them forward and encourage them to work and show their participation.

So if women are empowered there is no doubt that they can achieve anything they like. Rather than talking about women empowerment, it’s time to take an initiative that actually works only then the difference will be visible. You cannot sit back to let things happen on their own and even the women should come out to support themselves. This can bring a revolution for which we are waiting for a long time.


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9 thoughts on “Importance of women empowerment

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