What Is The Significance Of Elections?

By | September 5, 2019

Election forms a necessary part of any democratic country. It is very important to conduct elections to keep the country functioning in the best way. Elections provide the right for people to choose their government. It is one of the ways by which people can select their contestant or other government of their choice in a representative democracy.

importance of elections

What are the consequences of an election?

A government party or a candidate who failed to work for the welfare of a common man can be removed from the position through elections. In this way, regular elections prevent the government from becoming cruel and autocrat. It instills a sense of fear in them to make the people work honestly and correctly.

How elections are held?

Most of the democratic nations organize new elections for national legislature once in a few years. In the parliamentary system, the legislature nominates the leaders of a government. A few democracies appoint other national officials like a president. Many democratic nations also conduct provincial, regional, and state elections.

There are varied methods to conduct an election in different nations. Voters can vote for a candidate or any political party. This is because different nations make use of a different voting mechanism. Countries that aren’t democracies can even hold elections. By doing this, they allow people to select a local representative.

Significance of elections

Choice of leadership: Elections tend to make a basic contribution to democratic governance. Elections give power to voters to choose their leaders and hold them answerable for their performance and level of service in office.

Such responsibility to serve the nation and people can be undermined when appointed leaders don’t care whether they get elected. This happens when one coalition or party is so much dominant that there is no option for voters to choose among substitute parties, policies or candidates. The possibility to control leaders by needing them to submit to periodic elections assist in solving the issue of succession in leadership. In this way, it contributes to the continuance of democracy.

Change of leadership: Elections serve as a platform for the public to raise their resentment towards any ruling party. By casting vote for other parties, it aids in electing a different government. Citizens display a sense of possessing an ultimate authority.

An opportunity to display future agency: When the electoral procedure is competitive, it encourages government parties or candidates to expose their future aims and records to popular inspection. Elections also serve as a forum for the dialogue of public issues. It eases the expression of people’ s opinion.

Enhances political people: Elections are a source to provide political knowledge and education to citizens and assure the receptiveness of democratic government to the needs and welfare of the people. Elections also serve as a means to legitimize the doings of the ones who exercise power.

Ensures legality and stability in a political community: Elections help in reinforcing the legitimacy and stability of a political community. As national holidays honors common experiences, in the same way, elections connect citizens. In this way, they approve the feasibility of the organization. In this way, elections aid in facilitating political and social integration among people.

Acknowledges the importance of citizens in the creation of government: Elections act as a self-actualizing objective that confirms to the dignity and worth of citizens as human beings. When voters participate in elections, it serves as a way to reinforce their self-respect and self-esteem.

Voting provides an opportunity for people to have a right on their say and, express partisanship, to satiate their requirement to a sense of belongingness. The fight for the right to cast their vote and the need for equality in voting is observed as the display of a deep human longing for personal contentment.

Invoke patriotism: Whether they are held under democratic or authoritarian regimes, elections hold a ritualistic aspect. Elections and all the campaigns that precede them acts as a dramatic event that is accompanied by banners, posters, buttons, rallies, television coverage and headlines.

Political parties, interest groups, and candidates represent a diverse range of objectives that invoke the signs of patriotism, nationalism, revolution, reform, future promise and past glory. Whatever the distinctive national, local or regional variations, elections are one of the most important events that arouse emotions and channelizes them in the direction of collective symbols.

Political participation: Elections open way for new matters and problems to be raised in public. Citizens are free to introduce reforms that do not form the agenda of any party. They are free to compete in the elections by way of creating a new political party.

In all these ways elections prove to be significant to the nation.


importance of election, Important of election, Write 5 importance of election

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