Importance of festivals in life?

By | March 23, 2017

The festival forms an auspicious day for everyone and also for other celebrations that are prevalent in every society and religious communities.
Festivals are an important part of our life. In a country like India, festivals are associated with religion. The Hindus worship many deities. This is why there are many Hindu festivals.  Here is why celebrating festivals is important :

importance of festivals
•    We celebrate festivals mainly to propagate the cultural heritage of nations.
•    A festival also helps us to embrace one another in a bond of love.
•    Across the globe the festivals bring convergence.
•    All of the festivals have some scientific reason to celebrate. The most important thing behind celebrating a festival is to spread happiness.
•    It is during a festival that people exchange gifts with one another and celebrate the events together. In fact, it is one of the best times to meet friends and family members which otherwise is not possible.
•    At festival time the family members, friends, neighbors, and relatives meet together and enjoy the time spent in the company of each other. This meeting helps to make relations stronger forever. It also provides us with a chance to know better about our culture and each other.
•    At the national level, the festivals help to promote patriotic spirit and solidarity in the society.
•    Festival keeps us together.
•    Festivals depict the many different aspects of a society.
•    Festivals have many stories, customs, and traditions connected to them. Each and every festival has a symbolism and the entire proceedings is centered on that particular theme.
•    Festivals teach us to forget our enmity.
•    It is at the time of a festival that we are worshiping God. A festival helps to enhance our faith in truth. Now all community peoples celebrate all festival together. This increases feelings of brotherhood.
•    Ethical, moral as well as social values of life that blend well with entertainment through festivals.
•    The international festivals enhance brotherhood as well as to eliminate ethnic racism in the world.
•    They also help to create an environment of cultural harmony.
•    We also celebrate festivals to make someone smile. We should celebrate our festivals in such a way that we can stop too much waste of money, should not pollute the environment. Other importance of  festivals are as follows:
•    We celebrate festivals in memory of the victory of truth, victory of light over darkness.
•    When we celebrate a festival, it helps to relieve ourselves from the monotony of life.
•    When we celebrate festivals of all kinds in a country, it improves the overall image of the country and shows the acceptance of cultural diversity in the country.
It is advantageous for our business: It is during festival times that we shop a lot prompting the retail stores so that the shopkeepers can provide us with heavy discounts. During Christmas, Diwali or Eid people tend to purchase gifts for each other. It also helps us to decorate our homes. This is why the festivals have a major impact on the sales of vehicles and electronic items also increase during the festive period. It is during a festival that the shopkeepers have a gala time and they wait especially for these occasions to make a sound profit.

Eating out: These days the families rarely have free time left on their hands. This is why the festival is the only event when they can go out and have a good time at the malls. There are many people who prefer to watch movies while others dine in multi cuisine restaurants.

Happiness all-around: A major advantage of celebrating a festival is that it helps to instill happiness amongst the people. The people visit one another or gather around at a particular place or visit each other, it is also the best time for them to talk over the dinner and chill out in a relaxed environment. This is why a festival serves as a welcome break from the mundane routine of performing household chores and office work. Festivals add color to the life.

It helps promote tourism: Festivals are celebrated to promote tourism, the traditional handicrafts, the potential of the state as well as the unity in diversity of its people.

A festival teaches us to take care of the poor: At festival times a very important charity activities is feeding the poor and giving them alms. It serves as a wonderful gesture especially from the rich people to give back to the society. In a nutshell, the occasion increases the feeling of brotherhood amongst the neighbors as they meet and have a good time.


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