What is the importance of homework?

By | September 25, 2019

Homework is a burden for many children, but it serves as a significant educational objective. It is beneficial for parents to inspire a healthy attitude to homework in their children from an early age. Research has shown that the involvement of parents in the learning of a child plays a major role in the child’s academic achievement.

importance of homework

What are the different types of homework?

Going to school throughout the day is sufficient for children. Coming home and do more work becomes boring and cumbersome for them. As much as students dislike homework, it makes it an integral part of their learning and education. Though parents might find it hard to make their kids sit down for the homework, this habit will beneficial in the future.

Homework is seen as a major extension of classroom-based learning. It assists in cementing ideas that kids learn at school. Homework helps things to sink in further and expand the knowledge of children. Homework can take a variety of forms, that consists of:

  • Solving questions of a scientific or mathematical nature.
  • Answering a set of questions.
  • Writing creative short stories and prose.
  • Maintaining a periodic record of weekend or holiday experiences.
  • Writing an essay.
  • To prepare for evaluation such as a spelling test, that requires learning specific word spellings.
  • Looking up for things on the web or in an encyclopedia to enhance research skills.
  • Find out things about their families or themselves.

Significance of homework

The amount and the complexity of homework that requires to be accomplished increases considerably with the progress of children in the school. Though the level of homework assigned to primary aged children can differ, but there is surety that they will get some daily homework. A child who is used to doing homework from the beginning will have fewer issues in doing it through his school years than other children.

Some schools endorse children to use homework diaries, to make a note of the homework that they will be doing. Teachers won’t able to able to assess whether the child has understood the subject without any allocation of homework.

Let us see in what ways does homework positively impacts the learning of a child.

  • Homework strengthens concepts, information, and skills that a student learns in class.
  • Homework makes a student ready for upcoming class topics.
  • Homework teaches how a student can work independently and build self-discipline.
  • Homework activities aids in forming a connection between school learning and the real world.
  • Homework enhances the memory and thinking abilities of a child
  • It assists child in building positive study habits and skills that will serve them well throughout life
  • Homework inspires a student to make productive use of his time
  • It teaches a child to work in an independent manner
  • Homework teaches the child to take entire responsibility for his work
  • Homework enables parents to make active participation in the child’s education and also assess their progress.
  • It enables a child to practice and review all that has been taught in class
  • Homework prepares your child for the next day’s session
  • Homework boosts students to take initiative and accountability for finishing a task.
  • Homework helps a student to learn to make the best use of resources, such as reference materials, computer websites and libraries to locate information
  • It boosts your child to explore subjects completely than the limited classroom time
  • Homework enables your child to expand their learning by application of learned skills to new circumstances
  • It helps a child to integrate learning by application of several different skills to a specific task, such as science projects or book reports
  • Homework assists parents to get an insight into what their children are learning in school.

What role can parents play in this regard?

Parent need to encourage a supporting attitude to homework. In place of finding it a chore, they can help their children to make it an enjoyable task. Homework does not have to be arduous and long. A parent should actively get involved in assisting their children to locate answers, or perform research via problem-solving activities.

They can even offer a little incentive to their child for completion of the homework. This can be in the form of permitting them to play for some time or watch their favorite television serial etc.

Also read: Importance of school


Homework is a vital time to form connections and reflect on family, self, friends, and the world beyond. What a teacher presents to its students determines the level they will reach to attain success in their academics. Daily homework assignments should have variations in it. It should be meaningful, not a routine practice work. However, it is important to note that the quality of homework is important than its quantity. It should be full of exploration and fun for students.


https://importanceofstuff com/homework, Speech on is there value in homework

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