Importance of atmosphere

By | October 31, 2019

The atmosphere plays a very important role in making the planet livable. It protects the life on Earth from the dangerous rays of Sun. Atmosphere traps heat, and make the planet a comfortable place to live. Atmosphere is considered to be vital in maintaining the water cycle. It helps to facilitate the clouds formation that remains suspended till they are pour down as snow, hail or rain due to heaviness. Besides these, there are several more benefits of atmosphere. Let us know more about it in detail.

importance of atmosphere

About the atmosphere

The atmosphere on Earth is either transparent or reflective, on the basis of the wavelength of the rays to which it is exposed. Due to which, the atmosphere gets little amount of direct heat via solar radiation.

This solar energy either reflects into space or passes through the atmosphere without absorption of its energy. Most of the energy is reflected via chemical compounds, and clouds like the ozone layer. Only 54% of the total energy of sun succeed to pass through the atmosphere to finally reach the planet’s surface.

Benefits of atmosphere

Protects from the harmful rays of sun: Atmosphere acts as a shield that protects the planet from the harmful ultra violet rays of the sun and cosmic rays. These radiations cause destruction to eyes and skin of whoever gets exposed to it. The ozone layer in the atmosphere is responsible for saving the planet from the destructive rays of the sun. This layer reflects the ultra violet rays of the run so that it doesn’t reach the earth surface.

Thick sheets of molecular gases present in the atmosphere have the ability to absorb gamma rays, x-rays, and cosmic rays, thereby preventing such energetic particles to strike living things and cause genetic damage and mutations. A solar flare can increase the damage output of the atmosphere and the sun that helps in blocking a lot of the harmful effects.

Maintains constant temperature: The congenial temperature is very important for the life to be present on the Earth. Atmosphere helps in maintaining constant temperature on the earth to support the life of people. It also safeguards the planet from small sized meteors. The Earth’s atmosphere comprises of nitrogen oxide and a few more gases that helps in supporting the life of people on the earth.

On Earth, molecules present in the atmosphere soaks the energy of the sun. In this way, it spreads the warmness across the entire planet. These molecules trap reflected sun’s energy from the surface. In this way, it prevents the planet from becoming severely cold.

Aids in combustion: Atmosphere helps in facilitating combustion. The oxygen present in the atmosphere is responsible to accomplish the task. If there had been no atmosphere, then combustion would have not been possible.

Saves the life on Earth from getting endangered: Without the defensive layer of gases that forms up the atmosphere on Earth, the stringent state of the solar system would have left made the planet as a lifeless and barren land like the moon. The atmosphere on Earth safeguards the population by absorbing dangerous solar rays and thereby providing the much-needed warmth to the inhabitants.

Along with it, the Earth’s atmosphere is composed of the carbon dioxide, and oxygen which is needed by the living beings to survive. By trapping the sun’s energy, it keeps a lot of destructive elements of space at bay.

Physical Protection: The solar system is full of small particles and debris that remains there after creation of planets or crashes in the asteroid belt. When these particles come in contact with the Earth’s atmosphere, then the resultant friction destroys them before they result in any destruction.

Water and Weather: The atmosphere serves as a medium for the displacement of water. Water vapor evaporates out of the ocean, condenses and falls as rain. This provides moisture to dry zones of the continent. The atmosphere on Earth has 12,900 cu. km. worth of water. In the absence of atmosphere, all the water would have evaporated away into space, leaving behind the frozen planet.

The Greenhouse Effect: The atmosphere on Earth comprise of several chemicals. A majority of the infrared rays released by the warm water surface can’t makes its way into the space. In place of it, the radiation gets absorbed or reflected by compounds called as greenhouse gasses.

Absorption of the infrared rays by chemical compounds heats up the temperature of the atmosphere. This energy reflects in the direction of the earth. It warms the Earth’s surface and causes it to emit more infrared rays. This cycle maintains a warmer and livable atmosphere on the Earth.


Without such physical protection provided by the atmosphere, the Earth’s surface would appear like that of the moon. Thus, atmosphere makes the life possible on Earth.


https://importanceofstuff com/atmosphere

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