Importance of language

By | June 24, 2018

Language refers to the signs or speech used by the human beings to express their emotions, views, opinions, and experiences. A speech helps people to interact with their surroundings beyond their physical capability. An extended form of intellectual development occurs when both practical and abstract intelligence comes together and give a meaningful outcome. There are over six thousand languages spoken across the world. Such a diversity shows the extended use and importance of language in distinct culture and region. Today, various languages have rooted themselves in a person’s life in such a way that we, human beings, cannot think of living a valuable life without using a language. Without languages, every economic, political, and social activity will cease, affecting everyday activities taking place across the world.

Languages play a different role in each sector which we will understand through following factors.

Source of communication

Language is a source as well as a medium for exchanging ideas and general interactions. It allows us to understand our environment and express ourselves in numerous ways. Without using a language, no communication can occur. Today, we talk to people around us in a specific language well understood by everyone around us. In this fast developing world, the technology advancement has developed computer languages too. In such languages, the machines interact with each other, which in turn allows us to communicate with people living far away from us. By becoming a source of communication, language has diminished the distance between people.

Enhances personal development

Personal development is impossible without the use of languages. Children learn and perform tasks by using speech and actions. They begin learning languages by getting exposed to them in their childhood. In some way, it is the beginning of their personal development. This also ensures that languages can be learned simply by being around people who speak it and not learning by teaching methods. Taking about personal development, a child begins differentiating languages at the age of one month and starts using actions to express desires at the age of six months and speaking to some extent at the age of one and half years old. Such use of languages in a child shows its growth and in turn, personal development of a person.

Engenders diverse cultures

A small or a large community sharing a common language, clothing, and living ways forms a culture. We know that a variety of culture exists not only in the entire world but also in a small country. A language is a basic tool that differentiates one culture from the another. Different cultures have different speaking style. For example, both Americans and Britons speak English language but their accent lets a person guess the country they belong to. Through this communicative style, a person shares and display his group identity. Many cultures have language speaking rules that are different for men and women, youngsters and old persons, and other social distinctions. Hence, language is a common source that differentiates and develops the cultures.

Boon to the future generation

Use of languages by the current generation eases the communicative and learning ways of the future generation. Parents pass their language and culture to their offspring and the chain continues, diminishing the difficulties that upcoming generation might face. Writing, a tool to present language in graphic form plays an important part in learning and telling the history, current affairs and technology up-gradation to the masses. The origin of writing has made humans more dependent on languages. It has made the storage of large information possible that can be delivered to future generation for their better understanding of this world.

Upgrade education and learning

Language is a basic instrument used by teachers to communicate the knowledge to the students. The teaching language is different from the mother tongue. It is a type of language that helps students to understand their subjects in an efficient manner. Knowing a language provides an opportunity for a child to go to the school and learn about general fields that can help him reach his career goals.

Also read: Importance of English language

Language as a tool to communicate is not an end in itself. It is crucial that language spoken a large population helps them to develop themselves in every field. The government must ensure that schools are available in every region belonging to a minority community. At the same time, the academic subjects taught in a school must be according to the language spoken by that particular community. A person can only make effective use of his language if an opportunity to him are provided similar to every other person.


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