Importance of music in our life

By | May 9, 2017

“If music be the food of love, play on.”  –William Shakespeare

Music is one of the mildest features of life today without which, there is hardly any scope to survive well. In turbulent times nowadays when violence and extremism have crept into the human lives in almost every single sphere of lives, fine arts like music can calm down and sober the situation to an extent.

In fact, if one has the heart to listen carefully, then music is spread throughout nature and all around us. The natural music that has been depleted to a large extent by urbanization and has rather been replaced by too much of annoying noise all over still persists silently beyond the chaos. As soon as the chaos die down, the music of nature can be heard and felt, especially in the morning and night time that helps the humans to rejuvenate and start fighting for a new day once again. This reminds of the fact that music indeed is necessary nowadays although quite unknowingly it has taken a significant position in the modern lives.

importance of music

How can music make lives better?

In the most basic form, music is one of the fine arts, which means that it is created out of innovation, technical and imaginative skills through various types of musical instruments that can be broadly divided into string instruments, percussion instruments, and air instruments. Each of these emits a different type of pleasant music that is very soothing to hear and pleasing for the ears as well. However, apart from the entertaining aspects, music also has a major role to play in several other ways in the lives of the people today. The prominence of music in the recent times cannot even be envisaged. However, here are some points that can summarize a few factors related to the importance of music in life:

  • As Greek philosopher Plato has put it, ‘Music for the realization of soul’, makes it an essential part of education as well. This is because it is believed that music has a direct connection own self and therefore, it helps an individual to relax and reflect upon the various facets of characteristics related to self. This not only helps the person to understand the gray areas and improve upon the same but also aid in the process of overall mental and personality development because the brain cells find a path to express through music.
  • Music is also a very powerful medicine and in the real sense of the term. It has got a wonderful healing power owing to the melody that it carries along with it and this aid in the process of mending the morose mood of a person. Not only that, music will immediately make one feel refreshed who had otherwise been drained out of exhaustion and fatigue. Mental illnesses nowadays are being given special musical therapy in order to cure the patients because studies and researches have revealed that music eases the muscles of the body as well as the brain that assists in the normal functioning as a whole. Diseases like insomnia, depression, anxiety attacks, etc. have been found to be getting moderated and even cured due to the application of music therapy. This is the reason that music therapy has become pretty widespread today even in the medical science department. Just as a child feels safest and soundest in the mother’s lap, the patients too, have quite a similar feeling altogether when music plays.
  • The most vital aspect of music is the emotional enhancement that it provides for any human being who listens to it. There are various forms of music and in different languages spread across the length and breadth of the globe. No matter what variations there are in the patterns of the different forms of music today, all of these have emotionally helped the individuals in all kinds of situations. The soft music has aided in bringing down the negativity inside the mind and out whereas some jazz and rock music have shaped a person’s mind in some different manner. Music is there for hard as well as good times and there is no way one can stay aloof from the same. In fact, the language and cultural barriers meltdown with music and this help in breaking the boundaries of the countries. Intermingling between nations becomes easier and international peace and harmony also tends to get restored.

Also read: Importance of Love in our life

What music does to our lives, cannot be put down in words in a complete way because words are too short to express the same. However, it can be stated that music is the magical power that keeps the mankind intact still today.

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