Railway NTPC Syllabus: Detailed Overview for CBT 1 and CBT 2

By | December 17, 2019

RRB NTPC exam is conducted to recruit candidates for the post of train clerk, traffic assistant, junior timekeeper, goods guard, senior timekeeper, commercial apprentice, station master, etc. in various production units of Indian Railways and Zonal Railways. The recruitment process involves of CBT-I, CBT-II, computer-based aptitude or typing skill test, medical examination, and document verification.

Before appearing for the exam, you must be aware of the following things:

  • The pattern of the exam

  • Syllabus of the exam

  • The difficulty level of questions and weightage given to each topic and questions

  • Marking scheme and specifics of the exam

  • Topics included in all the sections

  • Approach on how to ace the exam

  • Where to try mock tests to prepare for the exam

Railway NTPC syllabus – CBT- I

Given below is the subject-wise detailed distribution of Railway NTPC syllabus CBT-I: Mathematics, general awareness and general intelligence and reasoning.



General intelligence and reasoning

Mathematical operations, analogies, coding and decoding, completion of number and alphabetical series, relationships, syllogism, differences and similarities, analytical reasoning, Venn diagrams, jumbling, puzzle, statement conclusion, data sufficiency, decision making, statement courses of action, statement conclusion, blood relation, data sufficiency, interpretation of graphs, maps.

General awareness

Art & culture of India, games and sports, monuments and places of India, flora and fauna of India, common abbreviations, transport systems in India, famous personalities of India and world, Indian economy, flagship government program, history of India and freedom struggle, economic, social and physical Geography of India and world, games and sports, flagship government program, important public and government sectors of India, environment issues related to India and world, life science and general science & UN and other important world organisation.


Decimals, percentage, number system, fraction, ratio and proportion, time and distance, time and work, HCF and LCM, profit and loss, geometry, trigonometry, simple and compound interest, simplification, average, elementary algebra and elementary statistics.

RRB NTPC CBT-I Exam Pattern-


No. of questions ( MCQ’S of one mark each )


General intelligence


        1 hour, 30 minutes



General awareness



100 questions ( 100 marks )

Candidates are shortlisted for CBT-II on the basis of their score of CBT-I and the various post opportunities available to them, keeping the candidate’s educational qualification in view. CBT-I is screening in nature. There is negative marking and for each wrong answer, ⅓ marks are deducted.


Railway NTPC syllabus – CBT-II

CBT – II is taken for each seventh CPC level. It is taken with a graded difficulty level. The syllabus of CBT-I and CBT-II is mostly the same. Given below is the subject-wise detailed distribution of Railway NTPC syllabus CBT-II: Mathematics, general awareness and general intelligence and reasoning.



General intelligence and reasoning

Coding and decoding, analogies, differences and similarities, mathematical operations, completion of alphabetical and number series, analytical reasoning, jumbling, relationships, syllogism, Venn diagram, data sufficiency, puzzle, decision making, Statement – Courses of action and conclusion, maps, interpretation of graphs and decision making.

General awareness

Art & culture of India, games and sports, monuments and places of India, flora and fauna of India, common abbreviations, transport systems in India, famous personalities of India and world, Indian economy, flagship government program, history of India and freedom struggle, economic, social and physical Geography of India and world, flagship government program, important public and government sectors of India, environment issues related to India and world, life science and general science & UN and other important world organisation.


Elementary algebra and statistics, geometry and trigonometry, simple and compound interest, mensuration, HCF and LCM, profit and loss, time and work, time and distance, number system and percentage.

RRB NTPC CBT-II exam pattern-


No. of questions ( MCQ’s of one mark each )


General intelligence and reasoning


        1 hour 30 minutes

General awareness





120 questions ( 120 marks )

In CBT-II, there is negative marking and for each wrong answer, ⅓ mark is deducted. The score secured by the candidate in CBT-II is used to shortlist candidates for the verification of documents for the posts which do not require computer-based aptitude or typing skill test.

RRB NTPC Typing skill test

Typing skill tests are conducted for posts such as Senior timekeeper, junior timekeeper, junior clerk cum typist, senior clerk cum typist, junior accounts assistant cum typist and accounts clerk cum typist. However, the marks obtained by the candidate in the typing test is not taken into consideration for making merit. He/she must have the ability to type 30 words per minute in English and 25 words per minute in Hindi without making use of spell check facility and editing tools. Based on the performance of the candidates in CBT-II, candidates are called for document verification on the basis of the number of vacancies.

The exam is conducted to ensure that candidates with good knowledge are recruited for railway posts. You must make a study plan and work on it once you are well aware of the Railways NTPC syllabus and exam pattern. It is recommended not to guess any answer if you are not sure as there is negative marking involved. Even if you try to guess any answer, guess the answers of questions in which you have eliminated at least two options. If you get stuck in any question, move on to the next instead of wasting time. Aspirants must begin their preparation well in advance to stay ahead in the competition.

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