Importance of Renewable Energy

By | July 6, 2017

Renewable resources refer to the source of unlimited natural energy that does not face the threat of depletion from overuse. Natural elements such as the wind, sea, and sun are sources of renewable energy. Today, the world is facing a major energy crisis. The quantity of fossil fuels has dipped dangerously low from mass and arbitrary usage, which means that more and more people are being forced to move toward a more sustainable energy source. In fact, sustainable is perhaps the word that can best sum up the important position that renewable energy sources have in the current world. With rising prices of fossil fuels, it would soon become impossible to live with heat and electricity if renewable resources are not harnessed.

importance of renewable energy

Let us see what makes renewable energy so efficient.

Competitive prices

The sources of renewable energy are natural elements like the sun, water, and wind. Since these are found in abundance- in fact in unlimited quantities across the world, the cost of using them is falling at a highly competitive rate. It is easier for all people to make use of renewable energy, given that the cost of producing it is minimal. Non-renewable energy, on the other hand, is becoming increasingly pricey, thanks to their growing rarity and the considerable cost involved in harnessing the resources.

Cleaner energy

Perhaps one of the biggest advantages of renewable energy is the fact that it is clean; it does not produce any of the greenhouse gases that are highly harmful to the environment. Global warming has become a very real threat to the world right now, with increasing temperatures across the world and severely threatened climates and ecosystems. Opting for renewable energy sources, such as solar power, is the best way of countering this problem.

Inexhaustible source

The sun is a source of renewable energy, which makes it an inexhaustible resource. We will be able to get resource to create clean energy as long as the sun is there, which makes sense. The same goes for all other types of renewable energy, such as geothermal energy, tidal energy, hydraulic energy, biodiesel, and so on. These energy resources are naturally available all constantly, being part of the earth’s mechanism, unlike fossil fuels, which are a finite resource.

Public health

Non-renewable energy produces greenhouse gases which contribute to global warming and climate change. This is detrimental to public health, and ecosystems across the world are being negatively affected due to the massive changes that are occurring daily. On the other hand, renewable energy barely poses any such threats to the health of the people and animals. Very little water is required to harness such sources, which makes non-renewable energy the least contributor to water pollution. By using renewable energy, we can significantly reduce the number of deaths that occur each day from heart diseases and cancer, illnesses that have been irrevocably linked to the rising pollution levels.

Economic benefits

Apart from being a much cheaper resource, the renewable energy industry also employs a vast number of people, potentially more than the non-renewable energy department. This is mainly because of the fact that renewable energy is more labor-intensive, unlike non-renewable energy, which is a highly mechanized process. Apart from the direct employment of labors in areas like turbine installation, maintenance, planning, and logistics, indirect employment is also huge. More and more automobile companies are shifting to the production of electric vehicles, which is a job niche of its own in the efficient energy sector.

More resilient source

Renewable energy sources require distributed and modular systems, which make them less susceptible to large-scale disruptions. Because of the modular system, which consists of a number of equipment working by themselves, we do not run the risk of being left off without power because of the failure of a system; if there is any disruption in any one geographical area, leading to equipment damage, the rest of the equipment will continue to produce energy.

The world today collectively recognizes the importance of reducing dependence on fossil fuels; both because it is becoming more and more difficult to obtain them, and even more importantly, it is becoming increasingly dangerous to continue using them. The Climate Change Agreements that have taken place so far only point at the growing importance of shifting completely to renewable energy resources. The plans have unanimous political backing across the world, with world leaders agreeing to devote more time and effort to the harnessing of renewable energy sources. In fact, this makes complete sense; harnessing of renewable power sources seems the only way forward to ensure that the earth continues to be a habitable planet.

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