Importance Of Social Distancing

By | May 31, 2020

Coronavirus has caused a lot of destruction in the society. This deadly infection has impacted almost all nations in the world and has taken lives of millions of people. Coronavirus is contagious in nature. It spreads from one person to another by way of coughing, and sneezing. As no vaccine has been invented to treat it, Social distancing is considered to be one of the best ways to protect against it. Let us see more about the significance of social distancing in detail.

importance of social distancing

About Coronavirus

Coronavirus is believed to be originated from Wuhan, China. Though, there is not much clarity about the exact cause behind the origination of this virus. Asian countries are severely infected by this virus. What makes this virus so dangerous, is that it has no medical cure.

The virus is observed to change its chemical composition with every passing day. This makes it hard for even the scientists to find the effective treatment to destroy it. At the present moment, the only solution we have in our hands to break the chain of this virus is “Social Distancing”

What Are The Signs Of Coronavirus Infection?: People who get infected by this virus are seen to show certain symptoms that includes fever, cough, tiredness, shortness of breath or body pain etc.

What is Social Distancing?

COVID-19 infection spreads by coming in close contact to infected people. By distancing ourselves socially and staying at home, we can significantly reduce the chances of the spread of virus. Avoid going out in public especially the crowded areas, such as restaurants, gyms, parks, events, malls etc.

To prevent people from coming in close proximity to one another, government of various organizations have enforced a stringent lockdown. People who have low immunity levels like children (below ten years of age), and elders (more than 65 years) specially the ones with any existing illness, are more prone to catching this virus. It is important for them to strictly obey social distancing rules, and protect their health.

To prevent any gathering and spread of infection, schools, and colleges have been closed. Government recommends to protect the face from face masks, like N95 respiratory face masks or any cotton face cover, to prevent catching of infection.

Also, whoever is going out for essential needs is advised to maintain six feet distance from others.​ This reduced intermingling among people has yield favourable results to restrict the spread of infection but not a measure to completely eradicate it.

What is Home Quarantine?

If you feel that someone in the family can be infected from coronavirus, then they should stay at home, and quarantine themselves for fourteen days. This is done to prevent the person from coming in contact with other people.

Such people are confined to a separate room in the house. By doing this, it ensures that they do not spread the virus during the incubation period. If you find visible symptoms of the infection in the person, then you should call the doctor.

Remedial Measures To Enhance Social Distancing

Social distancing has reduced the spread of coronavirus to a significant extent. By the time, the vaccine of this virus gets invented, it is the duty of each one of us to practice Social Distancing. Here are some of the below tips that will support your efforts.

  • In place of going to workplace, offices should encourage employees to work at home using technological tools such as emails, online meeting tools, screen, and file share etc.
  • If you earlier used to go to attend a hobby class, or study class, then choose to attend the class online. It will protect you from coming in touch with other students.
  • Prefer to try new dishes at home and avoid food items from outside places.
  • Defer attending sporting events, gala anniversaries, and concerts till the time the infection comes under control.
  • Internet is a great source of entertainment. There are several things that you can enjoy and learn on YouTube, etc.
  • If there is any elderly person in your surroundings, who doesn’t have anyone to support him/her, then help them with their needs.


These benefits of social distancing make it an essential and effective means to slow down the transmission of this virus. It is everyone’s responsibility to curb the transmission of COVID-19 and safeguard each other’s life from the dangerous attack of this virus. Initiatives like social distancing may cause inconvenience to you, but it is the only way available to protect ourselves and our loved ones from this life-threatening pandemic. So, Stay home, and Stay protected.

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