Why technology is important in education?

By | May 6, 2017

Currently, we are living in a world of technology and we are simply surrounded by technology everywhere. Technology has just become an unavoidable part of our life. It affects our life in numerous ways like shopping, socializing, connecting, playing and most importantly learning. With the presence of technology increasing day by day it is of utmost importance that technology should be used for education as well. Technology basically plays a crucial role in the system of education.

importance of technology education

Technology affects the complete system of education and its importance in the system are as described below:

  • First and foremost, technology greatly increases the scope of education. The correct use of technology will help the students to prepare for their future career. The access to technology has become very easy and convenient in the recent times and hence its importance has also greatly increased. With the advent of wireless technology, it has even become more simplified.
  • The integration of technology in the education system will be the most effective way of providing education. Most importantly, technology is a great way to achieve diversity in the styles of learning and this diversity will be of immense benefit for the students in their future life & career.
  • Technology provides an effective way of interaction. The students are able to interact with their classmates more and more by encouraging collaboration which is very beneficial for effective learning.
  • Technology helps the students to prepare themselves for the real world after the education is completed. As we are currently living in a technological world and the nation is becoming more & more dependent on technology it is extremely important that technology is inculcated among the students so that they do not face any kind of problem in their future life. The students are becoming tech savvy from their school life itself so they would not have to face any difficulties in their future career and life. Technology has the capability of making the students successful in their future and hence its importance.
  • Implementation of technology in the education system helps the students to focus and get engaged. The students of today simply love technology and hence they will definitely be interested in learning if the thing what they love is integrated into their system of learning. Technology will simply attract the students towards learning if technology is a part of the education.
  • The classroom has become a happier place with technology. The students get extremely excited about being able to use the technology themselves which increases their interest towards learning. With constant and continuing advances in the world of technology, the students are able to get improved access to the various educational opportunities.
  • Technology has been improving on a daily basis and with the advent of mobile technology which is readily available, the students are able to get the latest information at a single click. The access to information has become extremely quick and convenient at the same time which is much easier as that ever before.
  • The traditional and passive system of education and learning has already started losing its hold from the education system. This is mainly due to the advent of technology in the system of education and with its help, the learning becomes much easier. It also provides a lot of encouragement to the students which in turn make the task of the teacher easier. It becomes easy for the teacher to advise and coach the students.
  • One of the prime importance of technology in the system of education is that the students become more responsible and they are able to take a firm control over their own learning which proves to be of great benefit for the future career of the students.
  • Another great importance of technology in education is that the students can have access to the e-books that are constantly being updated and more vivid in general. The digital books are not only more creative but also, they are less costly that the physical books which are old and heavy. The students seem to more interested in reading the books that are digital instead of the hard copy of the books. Also, the easy and convenient access to the internet helps the students to gather quick and correct information which is of great benefit to the students.

Thus, it can be very well understood that technology plays a significant role in the improvement of the overall system of education along with increasing the interest of the students towards education.


https://importanceofstuff com/technology-in-education, the importance of technology in education essay

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